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The Devil Unleashed Page 18

  “Whatever you think’s appropriate, honey,” Emma said, patting Cain’s cheek. “I’ll just follow your lead.”

  They stopped in front of the Gemini Club, which was owned by Ramon Jatibon. He had named it, as he’d done most of his businesses, for his twins. Looking at the place, Cain wondered who Ramon had on his payroll from the police department, since they ran without much legal interference.

  People usually lined up to get in the club on the first floor, and the gambling operation on the second floor, while small by comparison, rivaled any in Las Vegas. Some federal agencies and the police were interested in the upper part of the building but hadn’t found anyone willing to talk on the record about Ramon’s activities.

  “Oh, I remember this place.” Emma moved closer to Cain and placed a kiss on her cheek as she maneuvered the small sedan to the front entrance. “Which of our dates was it that you brought me here?”

  “You don’t remember?”

  “Of course I do. I just want to know if you do.” Emma took Cain’s hand and stepped into her arms. “I have total recall when it comes to our dating days. When Hannah gets older, if she runs into someone like you, hot stuff, I want her to see a little waiting won’t kill her.”

  “Are you kidding? I lost more brain cells walking around in a constant state of horniness than I would’ve if I drank heavily. But you’re right. If anyone comes near our little girl, there’ll be problems.” Cain bent and kissed her before pressing her lips to Emma’s ear. “So, lass, which date was it?”

  “Fourth, and the one that got you this close”—she held her thumb and index finger a smidgen apart—“from getting lucky.”

  “Now she tells me,” Cain said.

  “There’s something about watching you gamble that makes me hot.”

  “Good to know, but tonight you’re going to have to settle for drinking and dancing.”

  Emma rolled her eyes and muttered back to Lou, “I guess we’ll have to muddle through somehow.” The big wall of a man laughed.

  They were inside quickly after Cain dropped the car keys into the valet’s hand and the bouncer at the door pulled aside the velvet ropes holding back the crowd. A few people pointed toward them and whispered.

  The multilevel room was crowded with people either enjoying conversations and drinks or dancing to the small band playing slow jazz numbers. Cain pulled out Emma’s chair for her as she looked around the room for the players who were always scattered amid the regular patrons Ramon pulled in nightly.

  “Is he here?” Emma asked.

  “Table toward the back close to the stage. Two men with their heads together. The older one. Dark suit. Looks like a kindly grandfather.”

  Emma glanced at the table. “Want to get his attention?”

  “How do we go about that?” Cain smiled down at Emma.

  “Well, you could send him a drink.” She put her hands over those on her shoulders. “But that’d be the unexciting way.” Before Cain could answer, Emma stood and stepped into her arms. “Now, if you asked me to dance, I bet he’d notice you.”

  “The way you look in this dress, he’s not going to be the only one noticing me. And he and everyone else in here are going to be jealous as hell they aren’t me.”

  “Thanks, love, no need to flatter. You know how much I love your arms around me.”

  Cain led her to the dance floor and put her hands on Emma’s hips, feeling Emma’s hands in her hair as soon as they started to sway to the music. His alert brown eyes following their every move, the man called over a waiter as soon as he’d finished lighting his cigar. Knowing their fish had taken the bait, Cain relaxed and enjoyed the feel of Emma in her arms. At times like this, even though the night was the beginning of business, Cain felt the world slide back to a comfortable and healing place. Spending time with Emma helped her let go of the pain she’d forgotten she carried, since it’d become such a part of her. The real pleasure came from the knowledge that she wasn’t alone, not even for things like this.

  “When all this is over I want you to promise me something,” Emma requested.

  “Whatever you like, since I’m going to like whatever it is.”

  “I want about a week with just you and me on a beach somewhere, and I mean just you and me. No kids, no guards, and no one taking pictures.”

  “I know just the place, love, and I’m going to enjoy taking you there.” The song came to an end, and Cain watched as Ramon walked toward them carrying two glasses.

  “Perhaps I’ll put you on my payroll if you come and liven the place up with such beauty every night.” Ramon handed Cain a whiskey and Emma a glass of wine.

  “Does your wife know you just come here to flirt, my friend?” Cain asked.

  “I wasn’t talking to you, Cain, so leave an old man to his fun.” Ramon leaned over Emma’s hand and pressed his lips to it briefly. He liked to joke around, but not enough to insult. “May I escort you back to your table?”

  Emma smiled at Cain and winked, accepting Ramon’s arm.

  “How are your friends from warmer climates?” Cain asked as soon as they were all seated.

  With his hands spread out in a gesture of innocence, Ramon laughed and shook his head. “Rodolfo and I aren’t friends. Not like you and I are. He and I are acquaintances with a mutual respect. He comes here to drink my liquor and enjoy the music with the understanding I don’t want any part of that shit he peddles.”

  Cain nodded slowly, distracted by her thoughts. “The word on the street is he cut a deal with Bracato to expand his operations here.”

  “They had one meeting, but I hear they don’t feel comfortable with each other yet. But”—Ramon put his finger up for emphasis and leaned farther in—“I did learn that Giovanni put down a nice chunk of cash as a show of good faith. And he still doesn’t know his number-one son is already doing business with Juan and Rodolfo in Mississippi.”

  “Did you speak to Rodolfo on my behalf?” Cain asked.

  “I did all that Muriel asked of me, my friend. Actually I, as well as my children, would like to see how this plays out. We’re having a similar situation in Vegas, and I hope to learn from your outcome.”

  Cain laughed at his tact. “Or my mistakes, right?”

  Ramon laughed along with her and stood. “Please, I know you don’t often make mistakes.” He patted her shoulder with affection before adding, “It’s a trait that reminds me so much of my daughter Remi.”

  “Thank you, Ramon. You and your kids are always welcome to call on me for help.”

  They watched him return to his true passion, the gaming tables upstairs. Another round of drinks arrived without prompting, and Cain arched a brow in the waiter’s direction.

  “The gentlemen by the stage sent them, Ms. Casey. The older man would also like a moment of your time.”

  In answer, Cain picked up her glass and saluted Rodolfo Luis with it before taking a sip. Immediately Rodolfo and his companion stood and headed in their direction. Under the table Emma rested her hand in the curve of Cain’s thigh.

  “Señora Casey, it’s nice to see you again and looking so well.” Rodolfo extended his hand to Cain.

  “Please sit, Señor Luis, and please, it’s Cain.” After the handshake she introduced Emma. “This is my wife, Emma.”

  “A pleasure, ma’am, and this is my nephew Juan.” The younger man sat and had a hard time keeping his eyes off Emma as well as a smirk off his face. “How are you feeling after your accident?”

  Emma’s hand tightened at the word “accident,” and Cain could see her jaw clenched in an effort not to say anything.

  “I’m feeling fine. Emma’s taking really good care of me.” With the admission Cain felt Emma relax.

  “Good.” Rodolfo smiled as he leaned back farther into the leather chair. “I hate to intrude on your evening, but would you give me a few minutes of your time?”

  “I’d be glad to,” Cain answered, since it was the main reason they were there.

” Rodolfo added.

  “Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of Emma.”

  The hand on Cain’s leg tightened again. “It’s all right, love. I have to go to the ladies’ room anyway.”

  Everyone stood when Emma did. “Save my seat,” she told Cain before placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

  Without another word, Emma stepped away with Lou following close behind. Juan also stood and headed in the same general direction, leaving his uncle to the business that needed to be discussed.

  “What can I do for you?” Cain asked.

  “We’ll get to that, I’m sure, but first I wanted to ask you about Bracato. I hear from Ramon that he’s the one who ordered the hit on you.”

  Cain ran her finger along the rim of the glass before her as she pinned the head of the Mexican drug cartel with a cold stare. “Big Gino and my family have a history, but I’m sure you don’t want to waste time on our differences. Bracato has made it clear he wants a war between our families, and I don’t intend to ignore that. If you want to do business with him, do business with him. That’s none of my concern. Only warn your people not to mistake my disinterest for leniency. If they get in my way, there will be consequences.”

  Rodolfo’s smile faltered for a second, then grew larger. “There’s no need to threaten me. I have no dog in this fight. My family is only interested in making money, and I trust you’ll not interfere. I plan to do business with Bracato, but that’s all.”

  “Let’s just say I have different plans for Big Gino and no interest in your business. You have my word.”

  Rodolfo extended his hand again to seal their bargain. “Perhaps I should’ve offered you the deal first. You’d be a much better partner and more lucrative to my bottom line.”

  “Thanks, but I’m not interested.”

  “My nephew and I’ll be in town awhile longer if you change your mind.”

  “Thank you again, but don’t lose sleep waiting up for my call.” Cain stood and offered her hand again.

  Seeing that Cain was almost done, Emma started back, only to be stopped by Juan Luis when he stood in her way. He was dressed in black, which made his palms look stark white when he held them up.

  “A moment of your time, Emma.”

  With Lou so close to her, Emma felt safe enough to not call for Cain. “What can I do for you?”

  He laughed and edged closer, and Lou stepped closer too. “I was watching you earlier, and maybe it’s me who should be asking you that.”

  Emma cocked her head to the side and locked eyes with Cain for a second before directing her attention back to Juan. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You look like a woman who enjoys certain appetites.” Juan stayed put when Lou looked mad enough to kill. “What I can’t believe is all that hunger can be satisfied by another woman.”

  “Not that anything about my life is any of your business, but no part of it lacks anything. Even if it did, I’m sure you’re the last person I’d call.” She ran her eyes from his feet to the top of his head, thinking that what she saw could define the word “lacking.”

  “And just for your well-being, might I suggest you never offer me anything at all or speak to me in this manner. Sometimes Cain can be dangerous to your health when she breaks that short leash she keeps her temper on. This might be one time I release it myself.”

  She rolled her hips as she walked away, and he laughed again. “This isn’t over, Emma, and nothing about another woman scares me.”

  Emma barely heard the comment over the music, and before she got too far away, said, “One more thing. My name, it’s Mrs. Casey. Try and remember that as well.”

  This time Lou laughed.

  Chapter Thirty

  “You’re becoming a fucking disgrace. You know that, right?” Gino slammed the front door, dragging Eris in from the car after he’d collected her from the bar she’d insisted the driver take her to after she left the restaurant. Gino was furious and had screamed at her all the way home. She’d twisted an ankle on the way in but was in no pain since she was so high.

  Eris kept walking to their bedroom, not wanting to listen to his ranting any longer. She’d heard more than enough of it in the car, and her neck was starting to tense up from the headache she felt coming on. That wasn’t going to stop him, though, since she could hear the click of his heels on the tile floor right behind her.

  “Don’t walk away from me. I’m not finished talking to you.” She lost her balance when he grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. “I’m sick of you embarrassing me in front of my father.”

  “Then stop insisting I go with you whenever you have to meet with him. I hate sitting there watching that fat pig stuff food in his mouth like—” A hard slap stopped the rest of the insult from pouring out of her mouth. Blood readily replaced the words, and Eris reeled. Their relationship had started to crumble, but Gino had never resorted to violence before.

  She peered up at him with a mixture of disbelief and pure hatred. “Do you feel like a man now, you fat son of a bitch?” Her hand came away from her face extremely bloody, but the cocaine in her system masked the pain. “Get the fuck away from me!” she screamed when Gino tried to help her up.

  The baby started crying after Eris’s voice rose, and she heard the nanny go in to check on him. Eris had been hooked on Gino’s product when they had met—nothing extreme, just enough to make her days more enjoyable. After they’d gotten serious about one another and decided to marry, she’d cleaned up and given up her little friend, as she called the white powder.

  Because she was going to have children, she had made her decision easily. Kids had enough to deal with without being born sick because of her. Now, though, she couldn’t have cared less about herself or her husband, and instead of maternal feelings for her son she had only guilt.

  Everything had changed after she’d had Little Gino and gotten pregnant again right away. She’d done everything right and fought off her demons without giving in to the craving for drugs, but she’d lost the second baby anyway. Only the small vials of white powder gave her solace after that nightmare.

  “Clean yourself up before that woman you hired to take care of my son thinks you’re a bigger loser than I do. There isn’t any reason for you not to be taking care of him.” He batted her hands away and pulled her to her feet. “Little Gino doesn’t even know you. He fucking thinks that idiot you hired is his mother, but maybe that’s a good thing.”

  “You’re right, but what’d be even better is if he didn’t know either one of us. Then he might have a fighting chance.”

  This time he walked out and left her on the floor after he’d hit her again, only this time he’d used a closed fist.

  Gino started the car and waved off the men standing outside ready to follow him. He didn’t need an entourage outside his mistress’s condo all night. He was firming up thoughts of how to rid himself of Eris when his car phone rang.


  “Did Papa call you?” Stephano asked.

  “I had dinner with him and haven’t heard from him since.” The streets were quiet and free of traffic, so Gino picked up speed. “Why?”

  “I got a call from someone in Luis’s organization about problems in Biloxi. Something about thinking we don’t have enough cash flow for both operations.”

  “That’s your problem, brother.”

  “No, Gino, this is our problem, since I cut you in. If Papa finds out about our extracurricular activities, my ass won’t be the only one in shit, so don’t try to walk away from your responsibilities. I’m going to meet with these guys, but I want you ready in case I need backup.”

  “Do you think you can handle this alone? We don’t need you fucking up our new deal.” Gino pulled over and looked at the dashboard clock. The green numbers read 1:48, and something wasn’t right. Rodolfo’s men weren’t the middle-of-the-night, clandestine type.

  “I’m not the fuckup in the family, so shut up. Just forget I called and forge
t our deal in Biloxi. I’ll handle this myself.”

  “Stephano!” Screaming his brother’s name did no good. The connection was dead. Gino immediately dialed Stephano’s number to find out where he was, but didn’t get an answer. “You stupid bastard.” Gino called his two other brothers. If he was right, they didn’t have much time before Stephano was lost to them forever.

  Francis was in for the night and couldn’t leave without raising their father’s suspicions, so Gino tried Michael next.

  “Just get out and look for him, Michael,” he said as he drove to Stephano’s favorite club.

  “I told you two I don’t want any part of this business until you come clean to Papa.”

  “Fine, but if something happens I’ll be sure and let the old man know how helpful you were.”

  Gino slammed on his brakes in front of the club and asked the bouncer if he’d seen Stephano, getting a head shake no.

  “Where are you, little brother?” Out of ideas about where to look, Gino drove to his mistress’s house, intending to leave his phone next to the nightstand in case Stephano needed him.

  His instincts told him Stephano needed him more than ever, but he was out of his reach now.


  The silence closed in on Stephano as soon as he shut off his engine in front of the abandoned-looking place. As he checked the address he’d scribbled on his bar napkin, all he could hear were the ringing phone and some slight clicking noises coming from the engine as it started to cool.

  Stephano stood outside his car ignoring the phone and dismissed any fear at meeting at such a peculiar location and time, not wanting to jeopardize the connections driving his lucrative business dealing on the Mississippi coast. Family loyalty was one thing, but this was business, and that, his father had always taught him, came before anything else.

  The closest structures were abandoned tenement buildings Stephano figured were used as crack houses. Adjusting the semiautomatic in the small of his back, he summoned up the swagger in his gait and strode to the door, which had opened when his car alarm chirped.